Sunday, November 15, 2015

Male Economics: AVOID Marriage & Join Home Business

Male Economics: AVOID Marriage & Join Home Business's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James

215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

A “Man's Home is his Castle” and often due to
Marriage he loses it or forced to leave through
a court order. Imagine, losing your DOMAIN
which is frequently the biggest investment you
make in your life. Ask yourself the question, is
the Business of Marriage a worthwhile investment?

Well, from a male perspective the answer is “NO”.
Yes, the Institution of Marriage is a Billion dollar
industry and likewise the Divorce industry. In fact,
Marriage has evolved into a home business where
after the divorce long-term residual income is still
generated in the form of Alimony (Temporary,
Rehabilitative & Permanent). Imagine, continued
payment to a former partner years after the
separation. Clearly, not a wise investment for any
intelligent businessman because you are receding
no current VALUE. This is where Marriage and
Home business begin to separate themselves.

Ironically, Business and Marriage are both based
on Relationship Building; however, developing the
partnership is a key to your long-term success.
When it comes to the Institution of Marriage maybe
you should embrace Home Business as an Intimate
Partner because of the Cost-Benefit Analysis of
Marriage and eventual, Divorce. Suggests it's High

Now, “You, are your business and you represent what
your business is all about” ; therefore, Success or
Failure is all based on you and nobody else. Makes
sense; therefore, investing in yourself to become a
better businessman is critical to your survival.

In essence Marriage is the first business people encounter
in their lifetime; however, preparation to achieve and
maintain long-term success is visibly inadequate as per
divorce statistics. Indeed, the business of marriage is
a very poor investment that can annihilate you financially.

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term Residual
income for Yourself and not your former partner?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information and
eliminate any Self Limiting Beliefs that are costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in the MLM Cemetery.

Oh yes, since attorneys are involved in Marriages
the following famous quote should always be kept
in mind, "an attorney with a briefcase can steal more
money than a hundred men with guns and masks”.

A young man married is a man that's marr'd.
(All's Well That Ends Well 2.3.297)

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